Personal Stories

  1. 28-09-24 Simeoon Sturney Men''s Breakfast Simeon Sturney 24:19
  2. 06-07-24 Simon Shutt's Testimony Simon Shutt 20:43
  3. 09-06-24 Tracey's Testimony Tracey 7:44
  4. 25-05-24 Graham's Testimony Graham Moore 27:02
  5. 16-03-24 Men's Breakfast Steve Keesing Steve Keesing 9:48
  6. 11-11-23 Frankie's Testimony Frankie Moore 22:51
  7. 22-10-23 Gary's Testimony (Part 1) Gary Slatter 8:49
  8. 10-08-23 Dan's Testimony Dan Millar 30:40
  9. 09-07-23 Ronald's Testimony Ronald 2:56
  10. Dave Parker 18-06-23 Healing Testimony Dave Parker 12:25
  11. David Bonny 11-06-23 Testimony David Bonny 10:06
  12. Ron Russell 13-05-23 Testimony Ron Russell 39:26
  13. Martin Muller Testimony Martin Muller 26:07
  14. 18-06-22 4 Pivotal Moments Tom Hoyles 19:46
  15. Jay CMA Testimony at SABC Jay 4:34
  16. “End of Life for the Christian The Medical Ethics” Johan Van Wijgerden 58:17
  17. Mens-Breakfast-Richard Richard 49:50
  18. An Encounter with Jesus Anne Willcox 5:27
  19. From Football Hooligan to Son of God Mark Alleway 46:46